官网上下载MySQL的安装程序,这里有一篇详细的安装文章,http://www.jb51.net/article/23876.htm 为了让中文完美的运行,配置MySQL的时候Character Set处设置成UTF-8,好像默认是不能显示中文。配置完毕后就可以在本机中启动MySQL,也可以在cmd命令行中start和stop 启动与关闭MySQL。
net start mysql
net stop mysql
为了让本机MySQL数据库可以在局域网中任意机器都可以访问,请看 下面这个网址。文章有一点点讲的不是很清楚,所以我在补充一下、我用的是Navicat Pewmium查看数据库,我觉得这个数据库挺好的,因为我在Mac上也是用的这个数据库 。(大家可以在网络上下载它,Windows版本居然有汉化的)如下图所示,点击用户,然后双击”root@%” 最后把主机的名字改成 “%”即可、下面就是重点了,打开cmd 窗口cd到MySQL的路径下,一定要cd到这个路径下,不然mysql 会是无法识别的指令噢。然后执行命令:mysql grant all privileges on *.* to root@”%” identified by ‘abc’ with grant option; flush privileges;在执行命令:mysql flush privileges;OK这样就行了。然后开始看看代码怎么写,为了方便数据库的创建、增加、删除、修改、查询、我封装了一个类。欢迎大家测试 啦啦啦啦。SqlAccess.csusing UnityEngine; using System; using System.Data; using System.Collections; using MySql.Data.MySqlClient; using MySql.Data; using System.IO; public class SqlAccess { public static MySqlConnection dbConnection; //如果只是在本地的话,写localhost就可以。 // static string host = "localhost"; //如果是局域网,那么写上本机的局域网IP static string host = ""; static string id = "root"; static string pwd = "1234"; static string database = "xuanyusong"; public SqlAccess() { OpenSql(); } public static void OpenSql() { try { string connectionString = string.Format("Server = {0};port={4};Database = {1}; User ID = {2}; Password = {3};",host,database,id,pwd,"3306"); dbConnection = new MySqlConnection(connectionString); dbConnection.Open(); }catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("服务器连接失败,请重新检查是否打开MySql服务。" + e.Message.ToString()); } } public DataSet CreateTable (string name, string[] col, string[] colType) { if (col.Length != colType.Length) { throw new Exception ("columns.Length != colType.Length"); } string query = "CREATE TABLE " + name + " (" + col[0] + " " + colType[0]; for (int i = 1; i < col.Length; ++i) { query += ", " + col[i] + " " + colType[i]; } query += ")"; return ExecuteQuery(query); } public DataSet CreateTableAutoID (string name, string[] col, string[] colType) { if (col.Length != colType.Length) { throw new Exception ("columns.Length != colType.Length"); } string query = "CREATE TABLE " + name + " (" + col[0] + " " + colType[0] + " NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT"; for (int i = 1; i < col.Length; ++i) { query += ", " + col[i] + " " + colType[i]; } query += ", PRIMARY KEY ("+ col[0] +")" + ")"; Debug.Log(query); return ExecuteQuery(query); } //插入一条数据,包括所有,不适用自动累加ID。 public DataSet InsertInto (string tableName, string[] values) { string query = "INSERT INTO " + tableName + " VALUES (" + "'"+ values[0]+ "'"; for (int i = 1; i < values.Length; ++i) { query += ", " + "'"+values[i]+ "'"; } query += ")"; Debug.Log(query); return ExecuteQuery (query); } //插入部分ID public DataSet InsertInto (string tableName, string[] col,string[] values) { if (col.Length != values.Length) { throw new Exception ("columns.Length != colType.Length"); } string query = "INSERT INTO " + tableName + " (" + col[0]; for (int i = 1; i < col.Length; ++i) { query += ", "+col[i]; } query += ") VALUES (" + "'"+ values[0]+ "'"; for (int i = 1; i < values.Length; ++i) { query += ", " + "'"+values[i]+ "'"; } query += ")"; Debug.Log(query); return ExecuteQuery (query); } public DataSet SelectWhere (string tableName, string[] items, string[] col, string[] operation, string[] values) { if (col.Length != operation.Length || operation.Length != values.Length) { throw new Exception ("col.Length != operation.Length != values.Length"); } string query = "SELECT " + items[0]; for (int i = 1; i < items.Length; ++i) { query += ", " + items[i]; } query += " FROM " + tableName + " WHERE " + col[0] + operation[0] + "'" + values[0] + "' "; for (int i = 1; i < col.Length; ++i) { query += " AND " + col[i] + operation[i] + "'" + values[0] + "' "; } return ExecuteQuery (query); } public DataSet UpdateInto (string tableName, string []cols,string []colsvalues,string selectkey,string selectvalue) { string query = "UPDATE "+tableName+" SET "+cols[0]+" = "+colsvalues[0]; for (int i = 1; i < colsvalues.Length; ++i) { query += ", " +cols[i]+" ="+ colsvalues[i]; } query += " WHERE "+selectkey+" = "+selectvalue+" "; return ExecuteQuery (query); } public DataSet Delete(string tableName,string []cols,string []colsvalues) { string query = "DELETE FROM "+tableName + " WHERE " +cols[0] +" = " + colsvalues[0]; for (int i = 1; i < colsvalues.Length; ++i) { query += " or " +cols[i]+" = "+ colsvalues[i]; } Debug.Log(query); return ExecuteQuery (query); } public void Close() { if(dbConnection != null) { dbConnection.Close(); dbConnection.Dispose(); dbConnection = null; } } public static DataSet ExecuteQuery(string sqlString) { if(dbConnection.State==ConnectionState.Open) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { MySqlDataAdapter da = new MySqlDataAdapter(sqlString, dbConnection); da.Fill(ds); } catch (Exception ee) { throw new Exception("SQL:" + sqlString + "/n" + ee.Message.ToString()); } finally { } return ds; } return null; } }
然后在来看看调用,把如下脚本绑定在任意对象即可,调用包括、创建表、插入信息、查找信息、删除信息、更新信息。代码比较简单我就不一一注释了,这里我用try catch如果有错误信息将打印在屏幕中。 创建表包括是否递增ID,所以有两种创建表的方式。如果你的数据库是提前预制的话可以这样来读取数据库。
using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Data; using System.Collections; using MySql.Data.MySqlClient; using MySql.Data; using System.IO; public class NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour { string Error = null; void Start () { try { SqlAccess sql = new SqlAccess(); sql.CreateTableAutoID("momo",new string[]{"id","name","qq","email","blog"}, new string[]{"int","text","text","text","text"}); //sql.CreateTable("momo",new string[]{"name","qq","email","blog"}, new string[]{"text","text","text","text"}); sql.InsertInto("momo",new string[]{"name","qq","email","blog"},new string[]{"xuanyusong","289187120","xuanyusong@gmail.com","xuanyusong.com"}); sql.InsertInto("momo",new string[]{"name","qq","email","blog"},new string[]{"ruoruo","34546546","ruoruo@gmail.com","xuanyusong.com"}); DataSet ds = sql.SelectWhere("momo",new string[]{"name","qq"},new string []{"id"},new string []{"="},new string []{"1"}); if(ds != null) { DataTable table = ds.Tables[0]; foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns) { Debug.Log(row[column]); } } } sql.UpdateInto("momo",new string[]{"name","qq"},new string[]{"'ruoruo'","'11111111'"}, "email", "'xuanyusong@gmail.com'" ); sql.Delete("momo",new string[]{"id","email"}, new string[]{"1","'000@gmail.com'"} ); sql.Close(); }catch(Exception e) { Error = e.Message; } } // Update is called once per frame void OnGUI () { if(Error != null) { GUILayout.Label(Error); } } }
然后是用到的dll 一个都不能少,不然会出现各种问题。最后的下载地址我会给出,并且包含这些文件。为了测试局域网的连接, 我还编译到了Android手机上,在Android上访问这个数据库,也是没问题的。当然手机和电脑用的是同一个wifi网络。 目前这个项目在 Windows 和 Android上都可以很好的运行,我感觉在Mac上和iPhone上应该也木有问题,欢迎大家测试,如果发现在别的平台下有问题请告诉我,我会进一步研究的。 欢迎大家留言,一起学习啦啦啦啦 嘿嘿嘿~~。。